Saturday, June 6, 2009

Open Eyes, Shut Mouth

How many times are blessings laid at our feet and instead of graciously accepting them, we talk our way out of receiving them? I can't even begin to imagine how full my life would be if I opened my eyes and shut my mouth more frequently. Why do I sometimes feel compelled to intellectually talk my way around what is very clearly a blessing from God? Why is it easy for me to accept the "big" blessings as having come directly from God? But the smaller day-to-day things that make me smile or feel relief? Well, I'm embarrassed to admit, I often blow those off with thoughts like: "Well, that's weird", "Surely that didn't just happen", or "What the?".

How often are we most worn down by the stresses of day-to-day living? Having fifty different places to be and too many people vying for our attention? How often do we wish, during those hectic hours, for just one minute of reprieve? Each morning I pray that I can find joy in the journey and be more patient...each night I pray that I can do better the next day. And all the while, God is winking at me. He is reaching out, sending small blessings each day. Blessings that I downplay as too trivial to have come from God. And yet, each one somehow eases my daily burden. Each one is a tiny miracle. But rather than accept the tiny miracle, I run my mouth, talking my way around the blessing He is trying to give me!

(I should add here that I always offer prayers of thanks for things like finding a close parking spot on a rainy day, or not getting stuck in traffic, etc. It's the "coincidences" I have trouble accepting...the little gifts I didn't ask for that make my day brighter and happier. This is striking me as very odd because I have no trouble accepting the little pains of life that I didn't ask for, the ones that make my day a little stormier. I blow those off with: "Oh well, that's life.")

I saw the video below several weeks ago, and have frequently thought of it ever since. Then, Snarky Mama was here and she mentioned it too. I've been thinking back on the past weeks and can't deny that God has "winked" at me more than once. I've learned my lesson. I will start acknowledging those winks; otherwise, He just might tire of winking at me. No more arguing, no more chalking it up to "the universe". I'm going to accept with gratitude and thanksgiving all that He offers, not only the "big" blessings, but the tiniest winks as well.


caitsmom said...

Very cool video. The story of the sad clown was amazing. Peace.

Unknown said...

Love this post! Thanks Natalie!

Unknown said...

I loved this. I've actually thought a lot about that in my own life lately. Those times when I sit back and think...whoa...did that just happen or was it meant for me to know.
I love "peace that surpasses all understanding". Spoken like a general authority. I know we would all have that peace if we would acknowledge those winks in our life...then we would know our loving Father is always thinking of us. Much peace.

Susan Anderson said...

Carol Lynn Pearson wrote a lovely book on the same subject in 2002, called "Consider the Butterfly." She calls this "meaningful coincidence." Elder Bednar would probably call it a tender mercy.

By any name, I love the way the Lord works and am trying to be aware of these little gifts from Him in my own life.

Shauna said...

what a beautiful post. i truly feel that there are no coincidences just tender mercy's from our loving Heavenly Father. when we start acknowledging his hand in our daily lives is when we find peace. Love the phrase God Winks.
Love you

Magic Brush said...

Great video! Love that phrase God Winks.

Mommy (You can call me OM) said...

Thank you, Natalie. I especially love the one about the clown, the daughter, and the photographer. Now, if I could only get on a plane more often. It seems God winks there frequently. :)

L said...

What a great video. God winks. I love it!

Karen said...

Love the idea! I too chalk up those little blessings to the cosmos and should (and will now) remember to Thank the Person responsible.


karen said...

Well now you've made me think... and you're absolutely right.

Susan Anderson said...

Remember this talk by President Eyring, Natalie? I've been thinking about your post and was reminded of it, so I went and listened to the shortened version of Youtube. It's so touching and such a good idea for all of us.

jen said...

Even though your posts are a little more erratic due to "crazy life disease," I feel like I'm behind since I've been off-line for a week.
Hope life is mellowing, and thanks for the jabbering baby. My Lily was just like that!

Fiauna said...

It's nice to see something so uplifting on the news. Thanks for sharing.